Metamask: Invalid transaction params: params specify an EIP-1559 transaction but the current network does not support EIP-1559(polygon) [duplicate]

Metask problem: Transaction parameters are not valid for EIP-1559 transactions

Metamask: Invalid transaction params: params specify an EIP-1559 transaction but the current network does not support EIP-1559(polygon) [duplicate]

When working with Blockchain Ethereum, especially in the polygon network using Metask, it is not unusual to find problems related to the transaction parameters. In this article, we will explore a specific problem that occurs when we try to perform an ERC-721 transfer in Polygon Red using Metask, version 10.9.2.

Problem: Transaction parameters are not valid for EIP-1559 transactions

As mentioned in the title, the problem falls within the “Params” field of the transaction object. Specifically, it is related to the EIP-1559 (ERC-721) standard, which is a newer specification that offers additional functionality to the Tken ERC-721 standard.

When you try to execute an EIP-1559 transaction in the polygon network using Metask, the Params’ field specifies a specific version of the EIP-1559. However, as the current network (Polygon) does not accept this specific version (EIP-1559 (Polygon)) gets an error of “non-valid transaction parameters”.

How to solve the problem

To solve this problem, you need to make sure that the Metask wallet is compatible with the EIP-1559 version specified in the red polygon. Here are a few steps to follow:

Step 1: Check your updates

First, make sure you run the latest version of Metamsk. You can check the updates that visit the Metamk website and look for available updates.

Step 2: Update Metask version (if necessary)

If it is not possible to update the metamsk version or has already been applied, it may be manually updated using the webhook function:

  • Open Metamk in your browser.

  • Click the three vertical points next to the profile image in the upper right corner of the screen.

  • Select “Webhoks” in the Drop -Down menu.

  • Find and click Notifying Webhook Update Metamk (it must appear as an update).

Step 3: Metask version of update

Once you have updated the Metamk version, load the metamark browser extension to activate the update.

Step 4: Update the EIP-1559 support of the Red Polygon (if necessary)

To solve any compatibility problem with specific networks or wallets, it is essential to update the EIP-1559 support for your network.

  • Navigate to [

  • Click the “Implementation” tab.


Step 5: Check the EIP-1559 support

After updating Metamsk to a compatible version, check that the specified EIP-1559 implementation is compatible with your wallet in the polygon network. You can do this by checking the configuration of the “red” or “Ethereum Red” wallet.


As a result of these steps and tips to solve the problem, they must be able to solve the error “non-evalid transaction parameters: the parameters specify an EIP-1559 transaction, but the current network does not accept the EIP-1559 (polygon)” when working with ERC- Working transfers- 721 in the polygon network using Metamsk. Remember to regularly update your metamk version and its EIP-1559 implementation to guarantee compatibility in different networks and wallets.


  • [Ethereum Stack Exchange] (

  • [Metamk] (

  • [Implementation of Ethereum-1559 Foundation (

I hope this article was useful to solve the problem with transaction parameters that are not valid for EIP-1559 transactions in Metask using the polygon network. If you have more questions or problems, do not hesitate to ask!

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