Solana: BigInt error during transfer of NFTs

Solana: BigInt Error During Transfer of NFTs

As a Solana developer, you’ve likely encountered issues with transferring NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) using the SPL-TOKEN program on your local Solana network. In this article, we’ll explore the cause and solution for a common problem that can arise during NFT transfers: BigInt errors.

The Problem:

Solana: BigInt error during transfer of NFTs

When transferring an NFT from one account to another, the transfer function may throw an error due to a BigInt (a large integer type) mismatch between the two accounts. This can happen when the transfer function attempts to transfer the NFT without properly handling the transaction’s amount parameter.

The Error:

Here’s an example of what the error might look like in your code:

const { Connection, PublicKey, Transaction, Keypair } = require('@solana/web3.js');

// Create a new key pair for the sender

const senderKeypair = Keypair.generate();

// Define the SPL-TOKEN program's connection and keys

const connection = new Connection('

const splTokenProgramId = 'YOUR_SPL_TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID';

const splTokenAccountId = 'YOUR_SPL_TOKEN_ACCOUNT_ID';

// Create a transaction for transferring an NFT

const transaction = new Transaction()



// Set the transfer parameters


account0: splTokenAccountId,

amount: BigInt(1),

pubkey: splTokenProgramId.toPublicKey(),

pubkey: senderKeypair.publicKey.toBase58(),




// Attempt to transfer the NFT without error



// If this line throws an error, it means there was a BigInt mismatch

The Solution:

To fix the BigInt error, you need to ensure that both accounts have sufficient balance and that the amount parameter is valid. Here are some steps to resolve the issue:

  • Check account balances: Make sure both accounts have enough Balances (BNA) for the transfer amount.

  • Validate the amount parameter: Verify that the amount value is a valid BigInt and does not exceed the maximum allowed value (e.g., 2^256 – 1).

  • Update the transaction parameters: Change the amount parameter to a valid BigInt, or update it to a smaller amount if necessary.

Here’s an updated example that addresses these issues:

const { Connection, PublicKey, Transaction, Keypair } = require('@solana/web3.js');

// Create a new key pair for the sender

const senderKeypair = Keypair.generate();

// Define the SPL-TOKEN program's connection and keys

const connection = new Connection('

const splTokenProgramId = 'YOUR_SPL_TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID';

const splTokenAccountId = 'YOUR_SPL_TOKEN_ACCOUNT_ID';

// Calculate the required amount in BigInts

const requiredAmount = 1n;

let availableBalance = splTokenAccountId.balances.get(splTokenAccountId.publicKey).amount;

// Check if enough balance is available for the transfer

if (availableBalance < requiredAmount) {

throw new Error('Insufficient balance');


// Create a transaction with the updated parameters

const transaction = new Transaction()



// Set the transfer parameters


account0: splTokenAccountId,

amount: BigInt(requiredAmount),

pubkey: splTokenProgramId.toPublicKey(),

pubkey: senderKeypair.publicKey.toBase58(),




// Attempt to transfer the NFT without error



// If this line does not throw an error, it means everything is valid

By following these steps and updating your code accordingly, you should be able to resolve the BigInt error during NFT transfers.

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