Ethereum: Deploy a contract to Ethereum via zkSync?

Deployment of the Agreement to Ethereum with ZK-Sync

Once you have introduced an intelligent contract to Ethereum via ZK-Sync, you will not receive a direct Ethereum contract address. Instead, you create a bridge between the local Ethereum network and the Ethereum Mainnet through ZK-Sync.

Here happens behind the scenes:

  • ZK-Sync : ZK-Sync is an Ethereum-2-2-scaling solution for faster and more reliable events by dismantling some of the computing from the Ethereum block chain to the secondary network, called


  • Search for the contract address : Once the bridge is created, you can apply for an Ethereum contract address for the Intelligent Agreement.

However, the transition to the ZK Sync does not directly give you an Ethereum contract address. Instead, it provides a way to interact with your agreement with Ethereum Mainnet using web3.js or similar libraries.

Why does this matter?

The introduction of the ZK-Sync may seem conveniently bridge between local and Ethereum networks, but there are some important effects:

* Ownership

: When you take a contract for ZK-Sync, you still own it. If you want to cancel the funds from the contract, you need to transfer them to Ethereum using web3.JS.

* GAS payments : A commissioning of ZK-Sync may result in additional charges due to the extra complexity layer.

Example Code

Ethereum: Deploy a contract to Ethereum via zkSync?

Here’s a simple example of JavaScript on truffle and web3.js:


Const Web3 = Require (‘Web3’);

Const truffel = Require (‘truffle’);

// Create a new web3 expression

Const web3 = new web3 (new web3.providers.httpprovider (‘http: // Localhost: 8545’));

// take your contract for ZK-Sync

TRYFFEL.DEPLOY (‘Your Contractaddress’, ‘Your Contractabikey’)

. Then ((contract) => {

// Get the Ethereum contract address associated with intelligent agreement

Const ethereumcontractaddress = contract.address;

Console.log (ethereumcontractaddress);


.Catch ((error) => {

Console.error (error);



In this example, “Your Contractaddress” and “Your Contractabikey” are location marks for the real Ethereum contract address and the ABI key. You need to change them with the right values.


While the introduction of a contract for the ZK-Sync may seem conveniently a bridge between locals and Ethereum networks, it is necessary to understand that you do not receive the Ethereum contract address directly. Instead, you create a bridge that allows you to interact with an intelligent agreement with Ethereum Mainnettet using web3.JS.

Carefully check the implementation of the ZK-Sync application and plan accordingly. Good coding!


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