Bitcoin: why i can’t get the xprv descriptor from the bitcoin-cli listdescriptors true

Understanding the Bitcoin CLI Command: “listdescriptors”

Bitcoin’s decentralized governance model relies on a distributed ledger to manage user data. One of the core aspects of this system is the collection and storage of user descriptors, which provide detailed information about a user’s identity. The Bitcoin Core (BTC) client command “listdescriptors” allows users to retrieve their list of descriptors.

Problem: XPRV descriptor

When you run “listdescriptors true”, you typically see a list of descriptors in JSON format, including the following values:

– “pkh”: private key

– “sh”: secret hash

– “tr”: transaction hash

– “wpkh”: wallet public key hash

However, when you try to get an XPRV descriptor using the “listdescriptors true” parameter, you only get a list of descriptors in JSON format, as shown above. Unfortunately, this does not include the XPRV descriptor.

Why is the XPRV descriptor missing?

Bitcoin: why i can't get the xprv descriptor from the bitcoin-cli listdescriptors true

The reason for this discrepancy is in how the listdescriptors command works. When you run listdescriptors true, it retrieves the entire list of descriptors from the Bitcoin network blockchain database. The resulting JSON data is a complete view of all descriptors, including user-specific information.


If you are experiencing issues with not retrieving an XPRV descriptor using listdescriptors true, try the following:

  • Check your network connection: Make sure your Bitcoin Core client is connected to the network and up to date. Corrupted or outdated nodes can cause data retrieval issues.
  • Check the command output: Double-check that the output from listdescriptors true exactly matches the expected JSON structure.
  • Use the “–debug” option: Running “listdescriptors –debug” can provide more detailed information about the fetch operation, potentially revealing what is causing the problem.


The lack of an “XPRV” descriptor in the list returned by “listdescriptors true” is not necessarily due to a bug in the Bitcoin client or network. Instead, it may be related to issues related to the specific use case or configuration you are using. By understanding how the “listdescriptors” command works and troubleshooting possible causes, you can better navigate the complexities of retrieving user descriptors from a decentralized governance system.

Additional Resources

If you would like to learn more about the Bitcoin governance model or are looking for ways to customize your experience using the listdescriptors command, consider consulting the following resources:

  • [Bitcoin Core Documentation: listdescriptors Command](
  • [Bitcoin Governance Model](

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