Bitcoin: How to sign a message with privateKey on Bitcoin using TS/JS?

Here is an article on how to sign a message with a private key using Bitcoin in TypeScript.

Signing messages with private keys in Bitcoin

In this article, we’ll show you how to use the bitcoinjs-lib' library to generate a private key from your seed phrase, and then use it to sign messages. We will also show how to bind a private key to thebtcAddressandnftAddressendpoints of our application.

Step 1: Create a Private Key

First, you need to generate a private key from your seed phrase. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

bc -l < ​​​​seed_phrase_file_path > private_key.pem

Replace < seed_phrase_file_path>with the path to your seed phrase file.

Step 2: Import Libraries and Download Private Key

Next, we need to import thebitcoinjs-liblibrary and load our private key:

import * as bitcoin from 'bitcoinjs-lib';

import * as ecc from 'tiny-secp256k1';

const privateKey = await require('./private_key.pem');

Step 3: Create a signature message

Create a message that you want to sign. For example, suppose we have an NFT contract address and a recipient address:

const contractAddress = '0x...'; // Replace with contract address

const receivedAddress = '0x...'; // Replace with recipient address

Step 4: Sign the message

Now we can create an instance of BitcoinMessagefrom our message and private key:

const BitcoinMessage = require('bitcoinjs-lib').BitcoinMessage;

const bitcoinMessage = new BitcoinMessage({



data: 'Hello, world!',


const signature = await bitcoin.signMessage(privateKey, {

address: BitcoinMessage.Address.BTC,

network: BitcoinNetwork.MINECOnomy,


Step 5: Bind the private key to the endpoints

Bitcoin: How to sign a message with privateKey on Bitcoin using TS/JS?

Finally, we need to bind our private key to the btcAddressandnftAddressendpoints of our application:


const bitcoin = require(‘bitcoinjs-lib’);

const ecc = require(‘tiny-secp256k1’);

// Define endpoints

const contractEndpoint = ‘

const recipientEndpoint = ‘

// Create a private key from the source passphrase file

const privateKey = await require(‘./private_key.pem’);

// Load our private key

const bitcoinPrivateKey = await ecc.keyFromPrivate(privateKey);

// Bind the private key to the endpoints

async function getEndpoint(privateKey) {

const contract = new BitcoinMessage({


data: ‘Hello, world!’,


const signature = await bitcoin.signMessage(privateKey, {

address: BitcoinMessage.Address.BTC,

network: BitcoinNetwork.MINECOnomy,


return { contract, signature };


async function getContractEndpoint(privateKey) {

// Create a private key from the source phrase file

const privateKey = await require(‘./private_key.pem’);

const bitcoinPrivateKey = await ecc.keyFromPrivate(privateKey);

// Download our private key

const bitcoin = require(‘bitcoinjs-lib’);

// Bind the private key to the endpoint of the contract

return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

getEndpoint(privateKey).then((data) => {


}).catch((error) => {





async function getRecipientEndpoint(privateKey) {

// Create a private key from the source phrase file

const privateKey = await require(‘./private_key.pem’);

const bitcoinPrivateKey = await ecc.keyFromPrivate(privateKey);

// Download our private key

const bitcoin = require(‘bitcoinjs-lib’);

// Bind the private key to the recipient’s endpoint

return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

getEndpoint(privateKey).then((data) => {

resolve({ contract: data.contract, signature: data.signature });


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